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LIGHTBENDER - 5'03" X 19.75 X 2.35, 28L FUTURES LATTE

Sale price$1,250.00

SKU: 63258-ALB


With the bottom contours of a performance shortboard, and a more refined rail, the Lightbender combines the best of both worlds. A flat fast rocker, combined with a balance of pivot and drive makes the lightbender a versatile board that's approachable from a performance and alternative perspective.
Flatter rocker underneath the chest for easy wave-catching with slightly more entry and exit rocker than a standard fish. Holds better in steep surf, while taking the speed/flow of a fish and mixing it with a more aggressive approach.
Foam packed under the chest, easing into a modern rail and carried forward to a beak nose. Strong paddler that easily gets up to speed while continuing momentum and flow throughout the wave.
Single concave under the front foot, transitioning into a slight double through the fins and vee off the tail, otherwise known as a spiral vee. The modern bottom generates speed, helps the board roll rail to rail and drive off your back foot.
「LIGHT BENDER」はフィッシュ系のサーフボードとパフォーマンス系ショートボードの良いところをうまく混ぜたモデルです。フィッシュ系のボードと比べると少し強いノーズとテールロッカーを持っているのでフィッシュ系のボードでは乗りにくいホレた波でうまく対応し、パフォーマンス系のショートボードよりロッカーが弱いのでテイクオフが安定し、加速も良いです。サーフィンを楽しむためのデザインに仕上がっています。



