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BUMBLEBEE - 5'6" x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2, KHAKI BOTTME AND RAIL

Sale price$910.00

SKU: 61695-CAM


The Bumblebee is a replica of one of the shapes that Duncan and I rode between 1973 and 1978. It is designed to be ridden shorter than the average board. It has a wide arc tail, about 9 1/4″ to 10 1/4″ from corner to corner. Most people ride them the same size you would ride a “fish”. The Bumblebee rides equally well frontside and backside. It is very fast and works in a wide variety of waves.




5’6″ x 20 3/4″ x 2 5/8″
6’5″ x 22″ x 3″



FIN PLACEMENT / フィンの設置場所

The general rule is to place your center fin 5 3/4″ from the tail of your board. The position of the center fin can vary from surfer to surfer. We have included a basic guide within the description of each particular model. This is not etched in stone. Please feel free to experiment. A few general rules are:

  • The leading edge of the the center fin usually ends up about even with the trailing edge (at the base) of the of side fins. This is generally a good starting point as well. Depending on what you are feeling, move the center fin up or down the box in 1/8″ increments.
  • If you are having trouble finishing out turns and cutbacks, or are not getting up and down the face quickly enough, you should move your fin up approximately 1/8” to 1/4”.
  • If you are digging rails, or catching rails in the front 18” to 24” during cutbacks, you should move your fin back approximately 1/8” to 1/4”.

Please understand that these are basic guidelines, and are relative to where you stand on your board, and if you are standing in the right spot according to your style and the type of board you are riding.

キャンベルが推奨するセンターフィンの設置場所はテールから5 3/4インチ・約14.6cmの位置になります。もちろん個々のサーファーの好みもあるので絶対ではないですが目安として参考にしてください。

  • 目安としてセンタフィンの位置はサイドフィンの終わりの端とセンタフィンの始まりの端が重ならないくらいに設置します。あとは実際に乗ってみてセンターフィンを前後に微調整します。
  • もしボードが走りすぎてターンがしにくい場合はフィンを3~6mmノーズの方へずらします。
  • もしボードのドライブ=推進力が足りなく感じる場合、またはボードのノーズ付近が引っかかる感じがする場合はセンターフィンをテールの方に3~6mmずらします。



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